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Read about the latest developments in the marine industry and life at Crocon

Linda Poščić Borovac - Kastav Citizen of the Month

Our peculiar book "DISASTER" brought Linda the honor of being named Kastav Citizen of the Month (October 2020). 

We had the opportunity to speak a bit about our project, our thoughts on the business community and our values in the interview for City of Kastav portal.

"Every institution, every society, every school that teaches you to despise playfulness, humor, creativity and imagination and to kill the child-like spirit inside you – that's a society that wants a group of frowning, boring, dead members. So thank you, City of Kastav, for recognizing the worth and strength of this project and for naming me as their Citizen of the...

DISASTER - A Diagnosis of Modern Business (Crocon & Friends)

We are proud and happy to announce that we published our first book - "DISASTER - A Diagnosis of Modern Business" by Crocon & Friends.

Based on our business experience almost three decades long and our cooperation with domestic and international business partners, the book is a so-called picture book for business people, an illustrated look on business, behaviors and relationships between (business) people today.

The idea for the book came to our CEO Linda Poščić Borovac after one of many draining and useless visits to public services. She wished to create something completely opposite of that experience, something simple and lively.

The book was a project we...

What's the point?

In between millions and millions of questions we are plastered with every day, unnecessarily stuck, socially paralyzed, genuinely severed from our roots in order to become confused, susceptible, easily swayed, dependent… we are actually standing on the verge of lunacy because we don’t know how to answer the one important question: “What’s the point?” What’s the essence?

We constantly worry about something, we get lost and wonder between narrow definitions of success, we stretch ourselves all over ludicrous tasks and activities, poison ourselves with information, all along pretending we know everything and have it under control, not knowing how to answer the question “What’s the...